Project Echelon, a Wisconsin based veterans advocacy non-profit organization that seeks to help veterans and their families regroup, recover, and re-engage through physical activity and self discovery. The goal of Project Echelon is to help support veterans in their personal journey of self empowerment through physical activity, as well as engage, empower and educate our veterans and communities through the nationwide presence, advocacy and engagement of our athletes.


An average of 22 veterans commits suicide every day. An additional 20% of veterans are believed to suffer from dependence or addiction to drugs and alcohol. For many veterans, self harm and addiction are their escape from the internal and external battles they have fought and continue to fight, manifested from chronic pain, post traumatic stress (PTS), or traumatic brain injuries. For others, the internal struggle may not with the struggles of PTS or addiction, but rather a struggle to re-engage in their day-to-day home lives or in the community. Recent research has shown that physical activity is one of the most effective, accessible, and sustainable forms of therapy for veterans. For this reason, Project Echelon is dedicated to helping veterans rediscover themselves and re-engage in community through physical activity.


Project Echelon’s support for veterans and their families ranges from organizing and sponsoring high adventure trips such as kayaking and hiking, providing a local gym membership and scholarship for a personal trainer to equipment grants for triathletes, supporting a veteran running across the continental US, and coaching a veteran to complete their first Ironman. Project Echelon also works with its sponsors, such as Reynolds, to make team sponsorship benefits available to the veterans it serves, making sport and physical activity more financially accessible. To date, Project Echelon has directly supported 87 veterans through its grants, coaching and mentoring opportunities and reached hundreds more.


One of the major advocates for and public outreach platforms of Project Echelon is the Pro Cycling Team. In 2019, the team ranks as one of the top teams in the country, taking to the podium 57 times, including some of the highest profile professional races in North America, establishing an extremely powerful presence in the Midwest and across the country, providing a huge word of mouth and digital media platform to share the mission and vision of Project Echelon and its sponsors.

While our elite athletes take training and competition very seriously, our main goal is to use our talents to shine a positive light on the veteran community and the organizations that support them. The reality is that physical activity, in any form, is much more than sport or exercise, it is a form of therapy. Our athletes are also very active in the community, connecting with veterans and community members through events such as the Milwaukee Veterans Day Parade and working with local schools to start cycling programs as a means of teaching STEM Education and promoting lifetime fitness, while also teaching youth to value, respect and honor the men and women who served our country. Each year, we are honored and privileged to interact with and inspire thousands of men, women, and children from across the country as we race and train in their communities, participate in community events, and engage in school visits.



Project Echelon has a strong and impactful presence across the US and we would love to work in partnership with your team to promote the work of your business, while also sharing our common values of integrity and quality and sharing the work of and inspiring communities through the mission and vision of Project Echelon. To learn more about Project Echelon, please go to and


The Project Echelon Racing Team raced the 2019 Pro Road Tour calendar on the ARx41 wheel-set and notched 57 podiums on the year. Not only are the ARx41's stiff and lightweight, but they are also durable and took the wear and tear of a full racing season like a true champion. The wide profile and tubeless ready nature of the wheels allowed for the team to find confidence in handling in all terrain and conditions. Project Echelon was one of the few teams to run a tubeless set-up all season and it proved to be integral to their success and minimized in-race mechanicals.